It's a sad day when Ralph Goodale makes sense
We libertarian types with separatist leanings are not exactly doing cartwheels as a result of the election of a minority centrist government. However, like many of my separatist compatriots, I was holding a modicum of hope for Stephen Harper and the gang. I anticipated the announcement of the new cabinet with great interest. Would our man Monte be the finance minister? What key roles would Diane Ablonzcy and Jason Kenney play? Okay, maybe my hope that Myron Thompson would be the Minister of Agriculture was going a little too far! Against that back-drop how was I to react when the first news I heard was that a Liberal – yes, a Liberal would be in the Conservative cabinet. Am I in a Chinese Western? Is there blood spurting out of my head?
But this government will be different. This government will have integrity. This government will lead by principles not politics.
My hope now holds by a mere thread.
As if that wasn’t enough for one day, this evening I received a nearly equally shock to add insult to injury. By some inexplicable sequence of events, I found myself listening to CBC radio while driving. Ralph Goodale was being interviewed. Consider my apoplexy when I found myself agreeing with him. He suggested that it was hypocritical for Stephen Harper’s to elevate to a cabinet position an MP who crossed the floor given his reaction to Belinda Stronach’s defection. Ralph Goodale was making sense. I was beginning to panic. What if I couldn’t keep my vehicle on the road? Fortunately Goodale continued to talk. To think that he would say two sensible things in the same conversation (or in the same decade for that matter) is unthinkable. It would stretch even the most pliable imagination beyond its elastic limit. True to form Goodale began to fume about how unfortunate it is for Canada that the Conservatives will have some cabinet ministers who are interested in making government smaller, less powerful and “less meaningful” to Canadians. Maybe things aren’t as surreal as I thought. I was able to regain composure and stay between the ditches.
Seriously, these Conservatives better start governing with the integrity that they said they would bring to Ottawa or that tiny thread of hope will snap.
I think you need a drink OG... Listening to CBC?!? Agreeing with Goodale!?!? Did you feel any pain in your chest? And I sure as hell would like to know how you kept the car on the road! I don't know what it would take for me to agree with a Liberal...
I know. I know. I am SO embarrassed. I hang my head in shame. It was a completely indefensible action. I admit though that I do tune in CBC on rare occasions to play CBC tag. It goes like this. I listen for 30 seconds. I win, if, during that time there is no mention of any of the following six topics:
1. Promotion of homosexual rights
2. Lamenting comments about how we are destoying the earth via pollution.
3. The plight of aboriginals.
4. The superiority of Quebecois culture.
5. The dire need for a massive government to look after us from cradle grave
6. Blatant mis-representation of the claims of Christianity in the guise of objective journalism.
I NEVER win so I haven't played for quite some time
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